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How will I know what my eyebrows will look like before the treatment begins?

A full in-depth consultation is carried out at the time of your appointment to have your procedure done to understand your skin suitability and realistic expectations of permanent make-up. All colors and shapes are customized for each person! I will always draw on first to make sure this is YOUR desired shape, no surprises! A consent form will be filled out to ensure we have all the medical information necessary for the procedure. Your photo will be taken and we will apply topical anesthetic cream to start your numbing process so you will be comfortable during the procedure and the initial measurements will be marked and drawn on first to make sure this is YOUR desired shape, color and get your approval before we start. 


What's the procedure like?

A topical anesthetic will be re-applied during your procedure keeping you comfortable. A fine needle with the use of a top rate computerized machine will be used to implant the dermatologically tested and state of the art pigments into the skin (NOT body art inks as they are not fit for a natural look on the face)


How will I know how to take proper care of my eyebrows?

When the treatment is finished some after care cream will be applied. You will be advised on after care and will be given an after-care sheet and kit. The treatment may feel sensitive and sore once the numbing cream wears off. By following our after care protocol will lead you to beautiful healed brows.


When will I know to book my follow up appointment?

You will be booked in for your follow up treatment to complete the final adjustments. (The perfect visit) This will ensure that your enhancement will be beautiful. Your follow-up appointment will be no sooner than 8 weeks from your initial treatment.  


Will Microblading work well for me?

If you have extremely thick oily skin, Microblading may NOT work well for you but we are happy to do it for you as long as you have a realistic expectation. The constant production of oil will cause the hairstrokes to heal with a diffused, softer look. Your end result will look more powdered than you would expect. If additional touchups are needed there will be a charge. 

If you are a frequent smoker, your pigment will fade sooner. 

Unhealthy compromised skin due to health issues, medications and over use of (anti aging, acne skincare, or anything with the ingredients acid ect.) are all factors in the outcome. To keep your hairstrokes looking good a touch up appointment is suggested every 1-4 years. Results vary with each client and health of skin. 

If you have more difficult skin there will be additional charges if more work needs to be done.

Additional touch-up appointments will be charged depending on how much work is done.  

Who Should Avoid Permanent Makeup?

While permanent makeup is great for most people, some individuals are not suitable for these treatments. Please read the following permanent makeup contraindications carefully, to evaluate if you are an eligible candidate, as they apply to all of our permanent makeup procedures; Microblading, Powder Brows and Combo Brows.

Ineligible Without Exception

Individuals under 18 years of age

We cannot Microblade anyone under 18 years of age, even with parental consent. 

Woman who are pregnant or nursing

As the body is going through hormonal changes, it is more prone to infections. Your skin may change, and results can be unpredictable. 

Individuals with viral infections and/or diseases

The risk of developing an infection is higher in people with compromised immune system. 

Individuals with Lupus 

The risk of developing an infection is higher in people with compromised immune system. 

Individuals prone to Keloids 

Since permanent makeup punctures the skin, there is always a risk for people that are prone to keloids to heal with keloids scaring. 

Individuals who use Accutane 

Accutane alters the skin and makes it thin, dry, and sensitive. It also weakens your immune system. For those reasons you'll need to wait one year until your Accutane treatment is completed and your skin is back to its normal state. 

Eligible Based On Individual Bases 

Individuals with a dark pre-existing eyebrow tattoo or permanent makeup 

The tattoo or permanent makeup must be light enough for us to draw hairstrokes. We ask anyone with previous work done to send us an email to with a picture of their eyebrows with no makeup on, so we can evaluate. 

Individuals who are allergic to lidocaine or epinephrine

Our most used anesthetic is lidocaine and epinephrine so if you are allergic to it, we will not be able to use it during the procedure; however, you will still have the option to proceed without a numbing cream to reduce the pain

Individuals with Oily Skin 

Those with very oily skin are ineligible for microblading. Powder brows are recommended for this skin type. Those with less oily or combination skin, may consider a combination of microblading and powder effect. known as combo brows/hybrid brows.

Individuals with sun damaged skin

It can result in poor retention of pigment. 





Pre-Care Instructions and Guidelines

The following are a few issues that will NOT qualify a person for a microblade procedure:

  1. Is currently pregnant

  2. Has cancer and are undergoing chemotherapy or radiation

  3. Steroid Medication and Prednisone (off for at least 2 months)

  4. Has an open wound present

  5. Has aged skin that is extremely thin or severely wrinkled

  6. Has a bacterial or viral infection

Please check the following with your doctor before having a microblade procedure:

  1. Have diabetes and under doctor care

  2. Have been in remission from cancer for 1 year

  3. Have high blood pressure

  4. Using blood thinning prescriptions

  5. Have seborrheic dermatitis

The following facial procedures must be avoided 4 weeks before your microblading procedure:

  1. No Botox or chemical peels of any kind. These include; Glycolic, Pumpkin, Alpha Hydroxy Acid, Salicylic Acid, Microdermabrasion, Laser Facials, both ablative and non-ablative. Also, included are Fraxel, Co2 and IPL laser treatments.

The following must be avoided 1 week prior to a microblade procedure:

  1. All blood thinners including Ibuprofen, Tylenol, Advil, Aleve, Motrin, Aspirin, Excedrin, Warfarin, Coumadin, Oil supplements such as Fish Oil, Vitamin E Oil, Primrose Oil.

  2. Antibiotics, Iron supplements and Magnesium all compromise the integrity of the skin and avoid Retin-A or any strong skin care products.

  3. Any mood-altering drugs

Pre-Procedure Instructions

  • Please eat something 20-30 minutes prior to your appointment. This keeps your blood sugar steady and helps you to be more comfortable and less sensitive.

  • Avoid any form of caffeine 2-3 hours prior to your appointment. Caffeine is a stimulant and will heighten your sensitivity.

No working out or alcohol within 24 hours of the procedure.

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